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Guess what You're No Better Than Trump

To say it in the mildest terms possible, the new President is not, at all, popular. To put it in more accurate terms, a large portion of Americans would like to burn him at the stake. There are droves of keyboard rebels putting Donald Trump in the cross hairs of their all-caps Facebook statuses. Most of it is all fine. You use your accounts to trash his policies, beliefs, or even him as a person is allowed. If you run for President you have to expect that, but the people against Trump have finally gone way too far. All people have the freedom to speak their minds, but there is a fine line between attacking a man, who has attacked others the same way and taking your anger about his election too far. Recently, a lot of terrible things have been said, not about Trump, but about the people around him.

Since the inauguration, there have been numerous attacks against Trumps family. Recently, while comparing The Donald to the likes of Voldemort, Joss Whedon thought is was acceptable to compare the First Lady to a dog. SO, in the name of fighting against the new President's misogyny, it becomes okay to call women a dog? In normal interactions, it is absolutely wrong to call women something like that, but, as long as it pertains to the family of your political enemies, that's fine.

Even worse than that, a Saturday Night Live writer took it upon herself to change the focus from the new President to his young son. This particular writer called Barron Trump the first "home school shooter"...That's a ten-year-old boy. A twenty or thirty something adult thought it was okay to call a young kid, who she knows nothing about, a sociopath. Forget that he's the President's son. Forget however awkward he may have looked on tv. This is a child, and you attacked him. Do you feel tough? Do you feel like your desire for social progression has advanced by making a 10-year-old boy the punchline to an irreverent and tasteless joke?

Let's make this perfectly clear, if you are one of the people saying these things, you are just as bad as Trump. Your anger over the election of Donald Trump, no matter how credible they may be, does not make it okay to disrespect women or attack children. You would expect better from a group of people trying to hold a man to a high level of morals, but I guess you can't. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

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