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Hatred for Sean Spicer is the Number 1 Problem Facing the Country

I feel bad cause I am breaking a Lenten promise to write this article, but I can’t take it anymore. On Tuesday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer was crucified for saying something along the lines of how Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons. He was essentially trying to express the severity Bashar al-Assad’s chemical bombings on his own people. In doing so, since everyone knows he is not the best with words, he wound up insinuating that Hitler did not use chemical weapons. This comment was met with intense backlash from people, who are citing the concentration camps and gassing the Jewish as evidence that Sean Spicer does not understand history. HuffPo, The Times, and all the other major news providers are now reporting on this “story”. Despite people not having absolutely no clue as to what a chemical weapon is (Hint: while egregious and disgusting, a gas chamber is not a chemical weapon), these events show the number one problem facing the United States. People do not actually care about important events that are going on, and would rather waste their breath arguing over something a bumbling idiot said, when he was flustered.

While the internet ranted and raved about whether or not Sean Spicer attended his high school World History 2 course, something exponentially more important happened that we all decided to ignore. While distracted by the media’s latest PC BS, we consciously decided to ignore the fact that this administration just got us involved in another foreign conflict that has nothing to do with us. This whole conversation started with the Trump Administration deciding to send 50 cruise missiles into Syria, thus getting us involved in another Middle Eastern conflict with absolutely no potential for a positive outcome. But, as we always do when something extremely important comes to the forefront of the news, we pushed the discussion of that issue away in favor of ranting about how dumb and inconsiderate this administration is. During the incoherent internet squabbling, men and women in faded green fatigues across the country started to prepare to say goodbye to their families, to go and fight in a country that is thousands of miles away, for another cause that has nothing to do with us. Now, we are going to spend trillions of more American dollars and, more importantly, more American lives. Not to mention that this action puts us at risk of military conflict with Russia, the one country that has more powerful nuclear weapons and more substantial willingness to use them

Why don’t you use your energy to talk and rant and oppose something that actually matters? The backlash against Spicer is evidence of exactly what’s wrong with the American people. We are so entrenched in partisan politics, that we will ignore things of massive importance, in order to make a pretentious and absolutely unnecessary partisan point. It says either that you simply don’t care, or that you are so uninformed that you have no substantial opinion, original idea, or valuable input that you could possibly contribute to the civic discussion.

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