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Philadelphia Wants You Addicted Right Now

Anyone, who lives in Philadelphia, knows the city is hitting a major decline. Neighborhoods like Fishtown are becoming hipster havens, while middle blue collar neighborhoods are becoming drug havens. Philadelphia, like most of the major cities, is another example of the shining success of liberal progressivism, bosting a strong welfare state, an indentured class of liberal voters, decaying infrastructure, and a tax system that requires the sacrifice of your first born. In the past year, two major issues have come to the fore front of public discussion: The Philadelphia soda tax and legalization of marijuana, two obvious and belligerent attempts to cheat everyday people out of their hard earned money.

The soda tax was a plan initiated by Kenney to tax beverage companies a certain amount (1.5 cents) per fluid ounce of drinks containing sugar. That’s right, it wasn’t just soda, throw in orange juice, iced teas, and sports drinks too. The money would then be invested into providing low income families with pre-k schooling for their children. A common theme in these types of dealings is to make it about the children so no one can say no to it. Despite some shady last minute amendments, this passed in the summer and took hold in January. Most companies could not afford the tax, so the cost was passed onto the consumer, which is you. Kenney has come on record and has said that the tax is more successful than he could have imagined but a stroll down any abandoned soda aisle will tell you something different. Since then, soda sales have dropped, small businesses have taken a hit, and companies, like Pepsi, have been forced to lay off workers.

Kenney’s next major “step forward” is to legalize marijuana in the city, to which he can use as substance to be taxed. The strategy here is very clear. Get people addicted and take advantage of their vices. Let’s put aside the traditional partisan arguments to both issue and look at the simple facts. Both of these substances are addictive, and both are being used as a government ploy to surgically remove whatever money you have left in your pocket after income taxes, property tax, and the traditional sales tax of the city. Take soda for example, no one wanted to go after soda companies until they discovered they could make money from it. They will make the claim that it’s bad for you and you shouldn’t drink it, but they will gladly reap the benefits of you slurping down some Mountain Dew. Now think about weed. We were all told, when we were younger, to stay away from it, but once a quick buck can be made it all becomes okay.. Let’s ignore all of the negative side effects of marijuana like depositing more tar in your lungs than cigarettes, causing a higher risk of cardiovascular issues, and creating a higher propensity for depression and mental illness. That stuff doesn’t matter cause the city can make money off of it. Ask yourself this question: if the city cares so much about you consuming soda, why is it prepared to turn a blind eye to the dangers of marijuana?

It’s all a ploy and always has been. The city is constantly looking for ways to stick their hands in your pockets, and we keep letting them. What else are they going to tax? What bad aspects of humanity can we now legalize to make money off of. I have an idea lets tax peanut butter and jelly to fund youth sports leagues or legalize prostitution to provide night classes for minimum wage workers. The ends justify the means, don’t they. Welcome to Philadelphia. Remember to pay your taxes, smoke up, and have a Coke and a Smile.

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