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A look into the Future of Eye Care

It is safe to say the 99% of people who have had eye trouble in the past have gone to an eye doctor to determine if they needed glasses or not. Thanks to technology the need for eye doctors is no longer necessary.

A company by the name of EyeQue presented their Kickstarter product, which has surpassed its goal of $25,000 by funding a total of $134,387, at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. At CES it received a Best of Innovation Award. The Company’s mission is “dedicated to inspiring people to learn about and care for their eyes by putting affordable, accurate vision tests directly into their hands”

The CEO of EyeQue is a Ph.D. and I am assuming he has been practicing optometry for some time, so I don’t doubt that the EyeQue product can and will accurately measure your eyes and tell you whether you need corrective lenses. The problem I have with this product is simple. It could put eye doctors out of business. The product will retail for a little under $30 which if you have ever gone to the eye doctor that is a lot of savings.

Obviously, there are other things eye doctors do than the basic eye check-up such as Lasik eye surgery but most people go to the eye doctor because they just need glasses. Personally, if I had this device back when I noticed my vision going blurry I would have used the EyeQue instead and forgo the expensive trip to the eye doctor.

On the other side, this product can be used in locations where eye doctors are not present or where is may be tough to transport the equipment needed to determine what lenses someone needs. This is where the EyeQue will shine and where I think the Company’s main market will be.

The problem with the growth of technology is that people are slowly becoming obsolete in certain areas. We must take note of this and be proactive by learning more about coding and software engineering because that is where the jobs will be in the future if technology continues to grow at the pace it is now.

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