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Romano Reviews: Black Mirror Season 1-3

Have you been on Netflix lately? The answer is yes you have because it's exponentially better than TV. You have also noticed that Netflix keeps busting out brand new, Netflix-exclusive shows and movies for subscribers. One of these shows is "Black Mirror", and it absolutely lives up to the category 'Original Content'.

All of my reviews follow a similar format. I will present three things I liked about the movie, three things that were total garbage(in this case that means things that were not great but still good), and then give it a completely irrelevant, arbitrary, and ambiguous rating. So let's start.

The Good

1. It's so different.

For those of you, who are unfamiliar with Black Mirror, let me lay outage basic format. Every episode is a different story with different characters and completely unrelated to the rest of the episodes. They are usually about some type of societal commentary or horror story. This is great because it breaks the mold of having a season long story and a plot that gets overblown and dragged out.

2. Every episode will blow your mind.

The common thread among each episode is that the ending is extremely unpredictable and epic. It's comparable to the ending of 'Sixth Sense' but six times a season and so much better.

3. Quality acting and directing from people you never heard of.

there is occasionally a semi-famous actor that will pop up from time to time, but there is really no star power here. There is just simply really good acting and directing, without the presence of a superstar overshadowing the message and plot.

The Total Garbage (or in better terms stuff that some people might find off-putting)

1. Some of the episodes are slow at the start.

Let me preface this by saying that it is completely necessary, but some episodes can be slow in the beginning. Since every episode is a brand new concept, time has to be spent setting up the world and characters. This can be a drag for people starting the series, but its totally worth it.

2. It Gets Really Weird

Again, this is all part of the show, but some of the episodes are really weird and really messed up. If you're not a fan of weird and perverted themes, then turn off this show and watch "Friends" or something.

3. Nightmares

Like I said, this show is messed up, really awesome, but really messed up. You will either have nightmares, or you just won't sleep. So get ready for that

Ultimate Ranking: 9.84 Creepy faces staring at you through your window

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