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Control Netflix with your Mind?

Every year Netflix gives its product developers some well-deserved time away from everyday work to experiment and invent cool devices for Netflix. Obviously, it is more likely than not that these projects will never become a part of Netflix but it is awesome to see what some people can come up with in a short time.

One of my favorites is a product that allows you to be so lazy you don’t even need the remote to choose what show you want to watch on Netflix. It is called MindFlix. This device was made by a few employees using a band by Muse that can monitor brain activity and I assume a motion sensor was attached to detect when you move your head.

The video shows the ability to use the headband to scroll through either up/down or left/right to pick what show you would like to watch. Once you find that show you are looking for, all you must do is think “play”. Yes, just think play!

Clearly using a remote to pick and play what show you want to watch on Netflix is the easier option unless you have the knowledge to do what the developers at Netflix have as well as the materials needed. This device will probably never be a product for a long time however in today’s age you truly never know. You can use you PlayStation or Xbox voice commands to start Netflix but you cannot use it to navigate in the app.

Your best way to control Netflix without a remote is to purchase the Google Home and a Chromecast. With those two products, you can tell Google to “Play The Office from Netflix on my TV” and it will do just that. This is costly however since the Google Home is $99 and a Chromecast starts at $35 on the Google Store.

Thankfully though remotes still work with our TV’s and are super cheap so just get one of them and don’t be lazy.

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