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Editing your texts: Good or Bad?

Those regrettable texts that you send to someone will soon be a thing of the past. Yes that’s right you will soon be able to edit your text messages. WhatsApp is now testing a feature which would allow people to edit their messages before people read them.

Here are 5 effects of editing texts...

The Good:

1. Drunk Texting:

Many of us know how annoying it can be receiving multiple incoherent texts from your friend who is drunk. This will help alleviate that struggle. On the other side, those who are drinking can save their dignity and quick edit their texts.

2. Keep guys from screwing up:

If you’re a guy you have probably sent some stupid things to a girl. This feature is our second chance to not screw things up, although it is still very likely for that to happen.

3. Wrong Recipients:

Have you ever sent a text to you dad that was totally not meant for your dad? Yeah, having the ability to make a quick fix to your text, that was meant for someone else, can come in handy sometimes.

The Bad:

1. Overthinking:

We all know someone who upon receiving a text reads over it 10 times before they respond, that same person would probably use the editing feature 10 plus times just because they overthink what they say too. Don't overthink everything you say, its not as real.

2. Learning about your edits:

Let’s face it eventually someone will somehow find out you made an edit to one of your messages that you sent and whether it was just to fix a spelling error or to change the message entirely some will not care and be angry for editing your text. Save yourself the struggle and don't edit your texts, just don't. Think before you text.

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