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5 Reasons Chris Farley was a Giant Among Men

Today marks the late great Chris Farley’s 53rd birthday. We all remember the famous Saturday Night Live cast member from the early 90s, and the star of Tommy Boy. Chris Farley died of an accidental overdose on December 18th, 1997. I was two years old at the time, but Chris Farley has been a personal hero to me all my life. His untimely death left the world with the question of “what could have been”, but we still have such a great collection of what he had done. So, here is 5 reasons Chris Farley is Awesome.

5. “My name is Matt Foley, and I am a motivational speaker”

This is by far the best original character to ever be on Saturday Night Live. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched these clips over and over again. So many people, including myself, have tried to do this impersonation, but it’s not the same without the energy and charisma of Chris Farley.

4. Tommy Boy

I think it has become a rite of passage that, when a boy reaches a certain age, his father sits him down and puts on Tommy Boy. Then, you will watch it every time it’s on cable. Tommy Boy is the definition of a true guy’s movie, and is a bonding point among men everywhere.

3. He did great things despite drug addiction and depression

Chris Farley, even though he eventually lost his battle with addiction, did so many great things in his short time here. Ask any of his family, close friends, or co-workers, they will tell you that he had a major case of depression. Despite his mental illness and addiction, he still managed to become an SNL legend, and a beloved movie star. He is a true inspiration to anyone, who struggles with these problems.

2. He was devoted to making people laugh

If you’ve never read it, go out and get a copy of “The Chris Farley Show”, which was written by his brother Tom. In it, he explains how from a very young age all Chris wanted to do was make people laugh, and that he would do anything for the humor. He was a nice and sensitive guy, who only wanted to make people happy.

1. He never gave up.

Despite eventually dying of overdose, Farley cannot be faulted as a guy who never tried to kick his addiction. Everyone that knew him knew he tried extremely hard to beat it, but the mixture of depression and addiction was too strong. Farley went into rehab 3 times in an attempt to better himself. The last of his stints was at a boot camp-like institution that was extremely strict and difficult. After this, he was sober for three years. Such perseverance has to be admired and praised.

Thanks Chris,

You are missed

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