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President Trump is Destroying the Republicans, and We are Letting Him

We are almost one month into Donald Trump’s Presidency, and it has been a rough one. This first month of the new Administration has been marked adversity, civil unrest, and even scandal. On January 20th, Republicans everywhere rejoiced because they were “taking back the Whitehouse”, but now the term “Republican” is leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. In its first short month, the Trump Era has shown the potential to destroy the recent progress in support of the Republican party, which begs the question, would it have been better for the republicans if Hilary Clinton won.

Let’s be perfectly clear, in this country republicans have a bad name. Being a conservative is widely shamed, and mostly because of unfair stereotypes. Some of it, fairly, comes from antiquated policies on social problems. We started taking steps forward, with some members coming out to support gay rights and moving towards more of a moderate platform. Then, we allowed Donald Trump to run under the Republican ticket. Then we let him get nominated. Then he won, and we, the republicans, lost. Donald Trump, and subsequently the party, is now demonized by the media, scandal, and the public in general, some unjustified, but a lot very justifiable. Donald Trump boasts an approval rate that has dipped under 40%, which is 20% lower than the average for new presidents.

Don’t be a fool, this disapproval is going to follow him for the next four years. President Trump has shown that he has the inability to aim his shots away from his foot, and continues to dig himself a bigger grave. Many of his major policies are unnecessary and ill-advised, while he continues to ignore key important issues like Social Security. He hires complete morons to run major aspects of his administration, like Kelly Anne Conway. Actually, I’m not sure if she is dumb or just thinks the American people are so dumb that she thinks the American people don’t know what “alternative facts” are. He also continues to constantly tweet and moan every time anyone says anything bad about him (talk about a snowflake). He is giving the republican party a very bad reputation, and we are just filing in line and accepting it.

This is going to follow the party for years to come. Every four years for the foreseeable future people will be pulling the lever and casting their ballots for the Democrats, not because they support them, because they hate Trump. For crying out loud, people are still complaining about Jimmy Carter, so imagine how long the bitter taste of Trump is going to stay in people’s mouth. If Clinton would have won, there would have been another scandal plagued administration, who continues to enrage the middle class. The republicans would have mustered an insurmountable hill of new support heading into 2018 and 2020, but as it stands now, we have nothing. The current administration has doomed this party for the next 3 presidential elections. That’s twelve years of republicans losing the Whitehouse, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. We just forfeited our hand, and now we will have to deal with it.

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