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Unlimited Data Makes a Comeback

Willy Wonka Unlimited Data Meme

Within the past few weeks, both Verizon and ATT have stated that they will re-instate their unlimited data plans. This for many was a complete surprise but if you looked closely you could tell that this was the trend. The company to start removing data restrictions was T-Mobile back in January and officially announced unlimited data recently. ATT has also offered unlimited data to those who were customers of DirecTV but now it is open to everyone. Verizon, however, was the first to start the wave by announcing last week that it would bring back their Unlimited Data Plan for its customers. After Verizon, ATT and Sprint followed suit.

This sudden surge of unlimited data plans is primarily based on the new chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai. Ajit does not support Net Neutrality. Simply put Net Neutrality has three main objectives, to prevent the blocking, throttling and paid prioritization of internet data. In 2015 under the Obama Administration the FCC put into place Net neutrality rules in place however with the new presidency this will not be enforced and eventually taken away.

This change was the hint that unlimited data plans would make a resurgence. With the Unlimited Plans, the cell company will eventually throttle your connection speed, this happens around 22gb of data usage. Although not particularly clear, Net Neutrality regulations are against this throttling of speed.

In the end, unlimited data is a great deal for those who like to stream videos on the go and listen to lots of music. For those who want to get unlimited data on their phone here is a breakdown of each plan available taken from Sprints website.

Comparison of Unlimited Data plans

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