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Apple Executives meet with Tech Journalists

In a meeting with tech journalists, Phil Schiller Apples Senior Vice President of worldwide marketing and Craig Federighi Apple’s Senior Vice President of software engineering discussed an apple product.

This is huge, apple has never once released information about a product let alone have a conversation with other tech journalists. Apple has always been secretive not even responding to rumors that spread about there upcoming products. Today was different, though.

In the meeting, the Apple executives discussed the future of the Mac Pro, which is Apple’s desktop CPU that is the shape of a big cylinder and was released in 2013. Since its release, it received little to no updates with its hardware frustrating those who wanted an up-to-date Mac Pro. Thankfully those who wanted a new Mac Pro will get one, just not in 2017.

During the chat, Phil Schiller said: “We’re in the process of completely rethinking the Mac Pro”. There was no reveal of a prototype or even design specs, just the words of the Apple executives. Apple listens to its customers, or at least the Mac Pro Customers because it has been some time since they have had an update while the new MacBook was release and the new touch bar was added to the MacBook pro, Apple needed to ensure the Mac Pro consumer that they were not forgotten. Craig Federighi admitted that they had not initially come to terms that they needed to do more regarding listening to the market shifting more to the all-in-one iMac.

One thing is clear, though, upon realizing how important their roles as journalists were with having the opportunity to find out more about the Mac Pro, Lance Ulanoff editor in chief at Mashable asked if it would have a touch screen in which Schiller said unequivocally “No”. This for me is reassuring that they are still staying true to their consumers and themselves. They have an iPad pro for those who want a powerful machine with a touchscreen, there is no need to include a touchscreen with their desktops.

This will probably be the last time we here about the Mac Pro until they announce the keynote in 2018 and unveil the redesigned Mac Pro for everyone to see. Thankfully we will be seeing new iPhones from Apple later this year satisfying those who crave new Apple products.

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